The Introduction

Aloha amigos!
So, Sirius Black here. You know, the Sirius Black? aka Padfoot? aka Snuffles? You do? Marvellous. Anyway, if you're wondering how I got access to the computer, well, turns out that technology behind the damned veil is pretty damn advanced. And ladies, I'm single! Oh wait, no, I'm not. Sorry! Sorry for raising your hopes to such high levels and then crushing them brutally again. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find your true love sometime soon! I've found mine, after so many years. But I don't want to spoil the surprise for you yet, you'll find out later!
Ah well, enough has been said. Till the next post!


  1. HAHA! i finally figured out how to stalk! whoo!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, thehypnoticllama, it has not been removed. AND I APPRECIATE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM ABOUT MY WRITING YA KNOW!

  4. Oh, I removed it because I put it on the tagboard instead. Sorry.
    Anyway, it read: "I was hoping to see some sign of Remus around the true love part :D" Or something along those lines.
    Anyway, on to the writing.
    It's quite IC I suppose, but they don't sound British. So then again, I suppose it isn't that IC after all.
    But I like how it's a tie-in with Janelle's blog. It is, isn't it?
    Anyway, this is just general feedback, but now I'm going to comment on your latest post :D
